“Brynzaniuk warns PDS restrictions: be careful not to be left without the right to vote”
Vadym Brynzaniuk, vice chairman of the European Social Democratic Party (ESDP) and candidate for the position of the capital’s mayor, drew attention to the changes in the Electoral Code proposed by the Action and Solidarity Party (PDS). According to these changes, citizens who change their place of residence within three months before the election date will be banned from voting in the upcoming local elections in November 2023.
Brynzaniuk believes that such restrictions are a serious abuse and contradict constitutional norms and basic principles of democracy. The right to vote, he says, is sacred and should not be infringed upon.
He urges all citizens to be careful not to fall into the PDS trap. If you are planning to change your place of residence, it is better to do so this week to retain the opportunity to vote in the election. Otherwise, leave the change until after the election to avoid being left without the right to vote.