A PAS MP expressed his opinion about the upcoming vote of no-confidence in parliament this week, but admitted that the chances of it being passed are extremely slim. He emphasised that his faction fully supports the current Prime Minister Recean and sees no reason for his resignation.
However, the MP expressed confidence that the opposition, represented by the BCS faction, would not be able to convincingly justify its no-confidence motion and predicted its failure in the event.
The BCS faction moved a motion for a vote of no confidence in the Rechan government. The prolongation of the national emergency and social welfare problems were cited among the main justifications for the decision.
Opposition criticism is also directed at the government for cutting the indexation of pensions, as well as the proposal for lump-sum payments to teachers and police officers, which are presented as electoral moves instead of salary increases.
A no-confidence vote requires the support of at least 51 MPs to pass. However, the BCS faction has only 29 MPs, making it unlikely that the procedure will be successful.