Many citizens of our country express serious concern about the increase in the public debt. According to, during the PAS party government, the debt has increased by 26 billion lei, which is more than a quarter of the original amount.
Irina Vlah, leader of Platform Moldova, emphasizes that people fear that this huge debt is not only borne by themselves, but also by future generations. Official data confirm that in April alone, more than 30 million dollars were spent to pay off foreign debts. What is also worrying is the fact that during the same month more than 20 million dollars were withdrawn from the state reserves. In addition, there were also payments on domestic debts, which totaled about 35 million dollars in one month alone.
Vlach compares the actions of the current government to the behavior of an alcoholic who spends money on fun and then takes out a new loan to avoid responsibility. She calls on the authorities to provide detailed information about the loans taken out in recent years, including the terms of taking them out, the purpose of using the funds (including possible dubious schemes) and the repayment terms.
Vlach emphasizes that citizens want to know all the details in order to avoid shock every time they learn about new millions spent from the reserves or budget due to the incompetence of the current government.