Brussels understands that the changes in the judicial system and the fight against organised crime are processes that take time. Romanian MEP Ramona Strugariu said that the European institutions realise that many of the changes implemented by Moldova take time to be fully implemented. She also stressed that the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on Thursday expresses support for Moldova, pending the final report from the European Commission.
Last week, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for launching negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the EU by the end of this year. The document was approved by a majority of votes: 448 in favour, 45 against and 43 abstentions.
Ramona Strugariu emphasised the importance of this resolution, saying that it gives a clear signal before the expected report of the European Commission and the European Council’s decision on further steps regarding Moldova and Ukraine.
Structural changes in the judicial system, the creation of efficient anti-corruption bodies, transparency and good governance are areas where Moldova is making significant efforts and demonstrating progress. However, Ramona Strugariu stressed that the fight against corruption, the fight against organised crime and the reform of the judiciary are long-term tasks and it is not reasonable to expect their instant implementation.
European Member States also continue to work on such tasks. The assessment of progress will depend on the consistency of their efforts, not on instantaneous changes. The resolution also calls for increased financial and technical support for Moldova, as well as an increase in the number of Moldova’s representatives in the European institutions. It also advocates a permanent liberalisation of trade relations between Moldova and the European Union.