A seven-year-old girl has disappeared in a small village named Recha, which is located in Ryskan district. According to the police, the child left her home around 6:00 pm in the evening and has not returned so far. Specialists are currently conducting search operations to locate the girl.
Police from the northern district continue their intensified efforts throughout the night and continue to search intensely for the missing girl. Various means such as drones and specially trained dogs are being used for effective search. Information provided by tv6.md.
The law enforcement authorities appeal to everyone who may have seen the girl or know about her whereabouts to contact 112 or call the following contact numbers: 0256-29302, 069672902.
The missing girl has the following features: she has blonde hair, blue eyes, and two moles are visible on her right cheek. At the time of her disappearance she was wearing a blue T-shirt, a gray dress and pink rubber flip-flops.