Rescue exercises: joint actions of Moldova and Romania in Iasi
Large-scale tactical exercises were held in the Romanian city of Iasi, where rescuers from the Republic of Moldova and Romania joined forces. The scenario of the exercise involved two serious emergencies resulting from road accidents with multiple victims.
The first accident occurred on the national highway near the village of Vulturi. A bus and a car collided and 37 people were injured. The second incident occurred nearby when a passenger bus collided with a tanker carrying hazardous substances. The collision resulted in injuries and stranded passengers, as well as leakage and ignition of hazardous substances.
In such a situation, Romania requested assistance from the Republic of Moldova to eliminate the consequences of the emergency that had occurred. Specialized emergency teams from both countries prepared together to extract and rescue victims from dangerous conditions. Doctors and paramedics were also trained in emergency medical care.
Firefighters effectively extinguished vehicle fires, and special teams dealing with chemical, biological and nuclear emergencies took necessary action. In all, more than 200 firefighters, rescuers, paramedics, doctors, assistants and volunteers were trained to rescue people using both ground and airborne technical means.
The international exercise PRUT-2023 was aimed at optimal response and joint intervention in exceptional situations in the border area.