Moldovan citizens will also receive compensations in the next winter season, but now it will be a direct cash payment to their accounts. This statement was made by Minister of Labor and Social Protection Alexei Buzu in an interview with Moldova 1 TV channel. He said that it will depend on the energy prices and the government’s financial possibilities.
Buzu added that if prices remain high, the government will find ways to support citizens. The proposed compensation system will be based only on cash payments, which will give citizens more flexibility.
In the previous 2023-2024 winter season, compensations were provided in two ways: through bills for natural gas, thermal energy and electricity, as well as in the form of a cash payment of 800 lei for households using firewood, coal or other solid fuels. These compensations were financed from the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund, to which the European Union, the United States of America and other development partners contributed. The European Union contributed financially to the Fund with direct budgetary support amounting to almost 1.5 billion lei.