As of June 12, 2023, restrictions related to this disease have been lifted in the village of Lărguța, Cantemir district. Currently, no new cases of African swine fever have been registered in either domestic pigs or wild boars in the republic. However, there is a constant risk of new cases occurring, considering that neighboring countries are still experiencing new outbreaks of this disease in domestic pigs and wild boars, as reported by noi.md.
Since the beginning of 2023, Moldova has registered 17 cases of African swine fever, resulting in the culling of 334 pigs and 21 boars. From 2020 to 2022, the country recorded 27 cases of this disease: 21 cases in domestic pigs and 6 cases in wild boars.
The National Food Safety Agency urges pig owners to immediately report cases of illness or animal deaths, as well as the discovery of boar carcasses. They also recommend not using freshly harvested grains or food waste in pig feed, as they can become sources of African swine fever infection.
Citizens are advised not to buy pigs without veterinary certificates and not to purchase food products from illegal and unauthorized sources.