A total of 17,626 candidates are participating in the testing. According to the Ministry of Education and Research, 8,257 candidates are taking the mathematics exam in their professional field, 8,613 candidates with a humanities profile are taking the test in Romanian language and universal history, 256 people have chosen a sports profile, and 500 people have chosen an arts profile, as reported by moldpres.md.
The exam in the chosen discipline will take place on Friday, June 16. It will involve 16,100 candidates, including 9,726 who will take the geography exam, 2,596 – chemistry, 1,154 – Romanian language and universal history, 698 – computer science, 1,174 – biology, 532 – mathematics, and 220 – physics.
The bachelor’s session will conclude on Tuesday, June 20, with an exam in the native language, in which 462 candidates will participate. Among them, 199 people will take the exam in Bulgarian language and literature, 207 – in Gagauz language and literature, and 56 candidates – in Ukrainian language and literature.
The 2023 bachelor’s session takes place from June 2 to June 20 in 93 centers. Approximately 18,400 candidates are participating in this session.