Since the launch of registration on the web platform, more than 100,000 households have already applied to request compensation for electricity during the cold season. If you also plan to use this support, you have until 25 November to register.
If you have any problems registering, don’t hesitate to contact the helpline on the green line 0 8000 5000.
Those who do not have access to the internet or find it difficult to register on the platform can contact social workers or local librarians for assistance.
In addition, specialists at one-stop centres for public services in rural areas of the country are ready to help anyone who needs to access public services electronically, including registering and submitting online applications.
From 1 November, citizens can register on the platform to receive financial support from the state during the 2023-2024 cold season. Two types of compensation are available this year: direct payment of bills and cash assistance (APRA) of 800 lei for households using wood or coal for heating.
Energy vulnerability categories include primary, extreme, very high, high, medium, low and no vulnerability.